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Office of Drug & Alcohol Policy & Compliance
Alcohol Testing

No, however you must be trained by an individual with at least one year of experience performing DOT tests or someone who has passed a Train The Trainer class. Additionally, the instructor must follow either the DOT Model course for training or an equivalent class curriculum. The DOT Model Course is available through the DOT website.

As long as you have been regularly conducting alcohol tests with your Intoximeters equipment for at least one year and are thoroughly familiar with the current DOT regulations regarding alcohol testing, you may train others as BATs.  You must insure that you train others according to the latest DOT regulations contained in 49 CFR Part 40 and the DOT Model Course.  The best way to obtain that information is through a factory Instructor course, but Intoximeters does offer training materials to help with the instruction of BATs.

Please keep in mind that anyone who performs a calibration on the equipment must have a certificate issued by the manufacturer (49 CFR Part 40.233).  So, Intoximeters requires that anyone who trains Calibration Technicians must maintain a current Intoximeters Instructor certification.

Click here for a summary of general training information (pdf format).

Categories: General, Training and DOT BAT Procedures

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