Discover the Advantages of Oral Fluid Testing and Be Ready For When Training is Available
Intoximeters Will Offer Oral Fluid Training
Why Choose Oral Fluid Testing?
Oral fluid testing has several obvious advantages over urine drug testing.
- It reduces the need for same sex collectors
- It is less invasive than urine collections and while it still requires privacy for the donor during collection, every test in an observed collection, reducing the likelihood of tampering
- It does not require the use or need for a bathroom
Ready to Offer Oral Fluid Testing at Your Collection Site?
Training Solutions for Your Collectors
Intoximeters, Inc. through its Intoximeters Training Academy has developed Oral Fluid Collector and Oral Fluid Instructor courses that can be taken in combination with Urine Collector/Instructor training or on their own. The training is available in both a classroom setting or in an on-line/virtual format.
If your site plans to offer both Urine and Oral fluid testing, by taking our combined urine and oral fluid collector course will ensure that both certifications have coincidental five-year certifications.
Because approval of both collection devices and laboratories to analyze oral fluid specimens is still pending, DOT oral fluid collections cannot yet occur. Within the next few months, Intoximeters will be publishing class dates for both oral fluid only and combined oral fluid/urine collection classes. Training on both collection modes on the same day will ensure that the student will be certified to perform both test types for the next five years!