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Question ID: 
Q&A 13
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    • Yes. It is very important for persons who monitor mock collections to have a thorough “book” and practical knowledge of relevant DOT rules and procedures. It is also very important that, before determining whether trainees have successfully completed a proficiency demonstration, the monitor have experienced and successfully completed the same training that collectors have to undergo.


    • Consequently, mock collection monitors have to meet collector qualification training requirements. In addition, the monitor must meet any one of three other requirements:
      * The monitor can be a qualified collector who has regularly conducted DOT drug testing collections for a least a year before serving as a monitor; or
      * * The monitor can be a qualified collector who has had a “train-the-trainer” course. Such a course could include the mandatory elements of collector qualification training as well as instruction on how to conduct training effectively; or
      * * The monitor can be a qualified collector who has conducted collector training under Part 40 for at least a year before serving as a monitor.


    • Monitors in the second and third categories do not need to practice actively as collectors, so long as they have met collector qualification requirements.


    • Individuals acting as collectors prior to August 1, 2001, have until January 31, 2003, to meet qualification-training requirements. In the meantime, such collectors can serve as monitors even though they may not have met the qualification and mock collection requirements (so long as they meet any one of the three other requirements).


Categories: Ask DOTti, Drugs, General

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